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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Become A Member Of NCCA's 19 Committees!

Are you a cultural worker? Are you an artist? Are you an expert in
your field? Is your organization into arts? Are you a translator? Are
you a leader of any indigenous groups? Then sign up and become a
member of one of the National Commission for Culture and Arts' (NCCA)
19 committees. This is a nationwide search for new members.

For the past fifteen years, the NCCA has been at the helm of
formulating policies for the development of culture and arts in the
country and has been vigorously administering the National Endowment
Fund for Culture and Arts. This November, the NCCA is opening its
doors to new members who would help the organization fortify its
objectives (to view objectives, click
http://www.ncca. ncca/history. php ).

For the complete guidelines on membership, please click this link:
http://www.ncca. ncca/committee- membership. php If you
know that you are qualified to become a member, do fill up the
application form that can be found in the said link.

Deadline for the submission of application is November 16, 2007. NO

For further details, contact 5272192 local 502 up to 512.

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