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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Museum Networking Forum - Protect Your Buildings: Risk Management Principles and Technologies

Protect Your Buildings:
Risk Management Principles and Technologies

Presented by Ibrahim Mirmahmutoğullari
December 12, Saturday, 10 a.m.

This special presentation introduces museum professionals and heritage architects to the principles of and new technology preventing building hazards such as salt, corrosion, and mold. It is also an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the goods and services of Mirline, a Turkish brand of cutting-edge building technologies for museums and heritage sites.

About Ibrahim Mirmahmutoğullari 

To present this new technology is Mr. Ibrahim Mirmahmutoğullari, a mechanical engineer with over 30 years of experience in technology and research & development. He is also the chairman of parent company Mir Holdings (of which Mir Unique Solutions is a subsidiary) and the Suppliers and Manufacturers of Turkey.

This special talk is presented by Yuchengco Museum under its Museum Networking Forum series in partnership with the National Committee of Museums (NCOM) of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and the Alliance of Greater Manila Area Museums (AGMAM). The new program brings museum and heritage professionals and other stakeholders together to discuss best practices and learn more about new industry-specific products and services.

Talk is free of charge, but reservations are required.

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