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Thursday, February 04, 2016

Now Open: Here is How the Transition into the Mambo Beat Looks Like 2016

Here is How the Transition into the Mambo Beat Looks Like 2016

Whether through painting, mixed media, sculpture, or art installation, artmaking is Roberto Robles’ way of expressing his own sentiments and personal relationship with the fight for democracy. In Here is How the Transition into the Mambo Beat Looks Like 2016, the artist alludes to events and symbols of Martial Law and the EDSA People Power Revolution of 1986.

The title “Here is How the Transition into the Mambo Beat Looks Like 2016” refers to an exhibit of the same title mounted three decades ago, in 1986. Robles’ intention is “to express the struggle of each Filipino to uphold, to remove the fence of ignorance, to set the spirit free.”

Here is How the Transition into the Mambo Beat Looks Like 2016 is a conceptual art installation by Robert M.A. Robles presented by Galleria Duemila and Yuchengco Museum in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution.

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