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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Filipino film "Graveyard Shift" screens in New York and New Jersey

Filipino film "Graveyard Shift" screens in New York and New Jersey
forwarded by La Mama Theatre E.T.C

Graveyard Shift
Screenplay: Wendy Misa
Directed and Produced :Wendy Misa
Running Time : 50 mins

Starring :
Yul Servo,Angela Vallejo, Perry Escano,Lisa Dino, Neil Sese,
Sheenly Gener, Borgy Ocampo, PJ Lanot

Screening Schedules in New Jersey & New York USA

New York City --- La Mama Theatre E.T.C. April 15,2007 Sun 5:30pm
74A East 4th St. , NYC tickets $15
New Jersey ---- Benefit Art Festival for Calamity Stricken Countries
April 17, 2007 tue

Graveyard Shift
Screenplay by Wendy Misa
Produced and Directed by Wendy Misa
(Short Synopsis)

A unique reunion of Noah and Jade , who are Miguel's Best friend and
Ex-girlfriend in his teen years respectively. Miguel was killed two
years ago and his two friends from way back come together to find
truth out of his unjustly death. Miguel being involved with a drug
syndicate, gets murdered by his co-pushers. Noah and Jade enters his
disturbed realm, his psyche and the exact crime scene. It is Miguel's
way of telling his friends, the secrets of what really happened. While
the two of his friends reminisce over his greusome death, love
blossoms from the friendship. And is the result of the reunion.

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