National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
Grants Program
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The major cultural agencies of government are the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), the National Historical Institute (NHI), the National Museum (NM), the National Library (TNL), the Records Management and Archives Office (RMAO), and the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) [Commission on the Filipino Language], all under the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) by virtue of E.O. No. 80 and R.A. No. 9155. The Chairs and/or the Directors of these cultural agencies are all ex-officio members of the NCCA Board.
The NCCA was created by R.A. No. 7356 in 1992 and assigned the following functions:
1. to formulate policies for the development of culture and the arts;
2. to implement these policies in coordination with affiliated cultural agencies;
3. to coordinate the implementation of programs of these affiliated agencies;
4. to administer the national Endowment Fund for Culture and the Arts (NEFCA);
5. to encourage artistic creation within a climate of artistic freedom;
6. to develop and promote the Filipino national culture and arts; and
7. to preserve Filipino cultural heritage.
The following programs were developed to realize the above-mentioned mandates of the NCCA:
The culture and the arts are important components of a country’s development efforts. Social cohesion and this economic development is enhanced with greater mutual understanding among the country’s peoples. Experiences in other countries have also shown that a strong social infrastructure enhances networking and cooperation and this also contributes to development. Culture and arts organizations and activities could be an important component of social infrastructure projects, peace and order, and generally the provision of basic services. In economic terms, the arts – including performing, literary, visual, and traditional –generate goods and services that form part of the national product while providing income and employment to artists and cultural workers and the many support personnel who work in the culture industries.
Greater understanding of culture could help in the attainment of peace, by fostering greater understanding of the value systems, behavior, and traditions among the people and higher cultural sensitivity in the keepers of peace and order. A major thrust in cultural tourism would be the creation of jobs and income. The main goal of the program is local and national development bias to cultural development.
The following are the sub-programs under the Program for Culture and Development:
1.1 Strengthening Social Infrastructure [Capability Building for Local Communities; Community Organizing; Local Cultural Exchange Projects / Intercultural Dialogues; Creation of Local Culture and Arts Councils; and Projects on advocacy for Peace]
The program is intended to assist the community to develop its cultural capabilities and value its cultural resources. It provides opportunities for the community to organize themselves, establish network and cooperation towards building a stronger social infrastructure.
This seeks to assist the different cultural communities identify their cultural resources, retrieve its traditions and values, way of governance and celebrate their culture to empower them to assert their significant presence in the Philippine society.
It likewise, promotes the creation and sustainability of local culture and arts groups, through the following forms of incentive assistance: a) support for organizational development activities such as arts management training, planning, etc.; b) programs or projects that will support part of a comprehensive long term development plan.
1.2 Sining Panglahat (Arts for All) [Arts for the Disadvantaged; Outreach Projects; Community Cultural Action]
In order to concretize this priority, assistance and support shall be given especially to the disadvantaged groups (landless farmers, fisherfolk, informal sector workers, urban poor, residents of resettlement areas, street children, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, public school students and teachers, government employees), and projects may come in the following forms:
a) Cultural Tours – support shall be given to cultural/ educational trips which will expose students and teachers of public schools, government employees, out- of-school youth to centers such as museums, galleries, historical sites, performing arts centers, etc. Support shall include vehicle rental and admission fees.
b) Mounting of Artistic Creation – support shall include mounting of theatrical productions, musical performances and exhibitions by art groups or individuals from the marginalized sectors, e.g. differently abled groups, out-of-school youth, public schools, etc.
c) Artistic Competition – support shall be provided for competitions that will encourage artistic excellence among the artists in the sector and may be given in the form of prizes.
d) Training – support shall be given for lecture-demo and workshops on the different art forms.
e) Development of Community Arts Organization – support shall be provided for the establishment of organization in resettlement areas and by out-of-school youth.
1.3 Cultural Tourism
The NCCA shall assist the Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Local Government Units (LGUs) in the development of cultural programs and heritages sites in localities with tourism potential and in production of the corresponding promotional materials. This program shall include projects such as a regular cultural show; production of brochures or video materials; restoration of historical sites which will enrich tourism activities, etc.
1.4 Cultural Industries
The program shall support the development of crafts and products which are typical of a community and is an integral part of their culture, e.g. weaving, pottery, bamboo instruments, basketry, music, film, etc. The NCCA shall assist the community to link with institutions that may be able to provide market for the crafts and products.
1.5 Culture and Governance [Regional Empowerment; NCCA-DILG-LGU Collaborations; Local Cultural Planning Activities]
The NCCA encourages the culture and arts projects of LGUs, particularly those intended to identify and develop talented persons in the locality, to safeguard cultural heritage, and to develop audiences for culture and arts activities. The program shall include but not limited to tours within the Philippines of recognized performing groups supported by the LGU. Support to a continuing performing arts season sponsored by the LGUs. Technical assistance to local museums, libraries, archives and historical associations, partial sponsorship of publications on the history, culture and arts of the locality, including biographies of persons from the region who received national prominence. Assistance in enabling local groups to perform at suitable national events in Metro Manila and, assistance in the scientific study and excavation of cultural heritage sites.
1.6 Development of Cultural Indicators
The NCCA prioritizes support for the development of cultural heritage resources, the conduct of cultural literacy surveys and establishment of cultural databank.
1.7 Review and Development of Cultural Policies and Legislative Agenda
This program category shall support projects such as researches, conferences, congresses, consultations towards the development of policies and bills in support of cultural programs and projects.
Education plays a key role in the twin tasks of identifying in the early development of future artists and of enhancing the cultural literacy of Filipinos, in order that the arts and culture becomes part of their daily lives, and that may distinguish the excellent from the mediocre. It is also the responsibility of education to familiarize young Filipinos with world culture and arts, that they may be well-rounded international citizens.
The culture and arts component of the education curriculum, particularly in basic education, needs to be enriched. This requires teachers who are deeply grounded in the humanities and social sciences and textbooks and teaching materials for class use. The strengthening of the culture and arts subjects of teacher training institutions is essential for the upgrading of teacher competence.
Our museums, historical monuments and sites, art galleries, archives and libraries can reinforce classroom work. Their educational functions can be enhanced with improved exhibits, guidebooks, and closer relationship with school authorities. Particular attention needs to be given to the upgrading of the culture and arts collections of public and school libraries as a means of opening intellectual windows to the Filipino youth.
In the efforts of the NCCA to address the need to enhance cultural literacy among Filipinos, it support the activities of the (2.1) Philippine Cultural Education Plan (PCEP). The PCEP is designed to make cultural education accessible to all sectors of Philippines society particularly the youth, the teachers, the artists and cultural workers, officials and employees of the government, members of the media and civil society. Meanwhile, the (2.2) Institute for Cultural and Arts Management (ICAM) as an educational arm of the NCCA continue to train culture and arts managers in developing their management and technical skills.
Projects considered under this program are:
a) Cultural Enrichment Program for Teachers - The NCCA shall support the service training of teachers and arts educators in the field of culture and the arts. This program category aims to assist Teacher Training Institutions, the Department of Education, Arts Organizations, and other groups in developing and providing continued training program for teachers, e.g. seminars, workshops, scholarships for teachers, cultural immersion, cultural exchanges, cultural tours, etc.
b) Libraries Enrichment - This is intended to assist the National Library (TNL) and the Department of Education (DepEd) to acquire culture and arts library materials to include books, magazines, journals, and audio-video for the public libraries and the libraries of the public schools all over the country.
c) Curriculum and Instructional Materials Development - The NCCA considers the development of an intensified arts education program at all levels of the educational system to ensure meaningful arts integration across the school curriculum as an important aspect of cultural education. The program shall support projects for curriculum enrichment especially that of the Special School for the Arts, the Education Courses in the Tertiary level, etc. This also aims to encourage production of audio-video and printed materials to aid the teaching of culture and arts related subjects / courses.
d) Audience Development and Cultural Awareness Program - The program aims to support projects, which will promote awareness and develop appreciation for the Philippine culture and the arts among the Filipinos. This may include exhibit-lecture, performance-symposium, and seminar / lecture for a general audience, etc.
e) National Education Program/ Training for Cultural Workers - This program is the response of NCCA to the greater responsibility of spearheading the intensive cultural education program [the PCEP] as offshoot of RA 9155. The program shall support projects covering any of the following areas: formal education, informal education, and informal education. Strategic thrusts and policy guidelines, and program directions shall be formulated to guide the proponents properly.
f) Research Program - Towards enhancement of the cultural education program, the NCCA shall encourage and support scholarly research on the various areas of the Philippine culture and the arts. This program shall prioritize researches that are significant to curriculum and instructional materials development.
The imagination of a people emerges in its art and it is the responsibility of any society to identify the talented and to provide them sufficient opportunity to realize their full creative potential. Young artists, in particular should be allowed and encouraged to explore new ways of self expression, even as established artists are encouraged to grow in their art. In a culturally diverse society such as the Philippines, special attention needs to be given to traditional artists, so that they may pass on their legacy to the young, while enjoying the same opportunities to enlarge their horizons through contemporary means of artistic expression. Artists in the countryside should be given the same opportunities as those who are in the urban areas. The most talented should be encouraged to aspire for international recognition in highly regarded competitions and festivals.
Performing arts competitions and festivals (music, dance, drama, and traditional arts) would be part of this program, including national tours of outstanding artists and greater focus on young artists. A Malacañang performance at State Dinners and other important occasions by outstanding countryside artists and groups could be a significant innovation.
3.1 Support for Young Artists
The program encourages the young artists [30 years old and below during the time of application] to hone their talents or to enable them to realize a specific artistic work by supporting different types of arts activities. And such activities like arts camps, cliniquing workshops by established artists, collaborative projects between the beginners and recognized artists, creation of new works, etc. Priority shall be given to artists in the countryside; particularly those belonging to cultural communities and to works which are on or inspired by indigenous Filipino themes.
3.2 Artistic Creation [Cinema Values Reorientation Program; Collaborative Works, etc.]
This is intended to support projects of established artists in all fields which catalyze the development of new art works, and advocate new and creative ideas in theater productions, musical and dance performances, mounting of exhibitions, production of new literary works, etc., that in all likelihood will provide significant contribution to the body of recognized Filipino artistic achievements.
3.3 National Tours of Performing Arts Groups
The program is intended for independent performing groups especially from the countryside and who basically depend on the support of paying audience. The tours primarily aim to provide greater exposure to locally recognize performing groups as a way of enhancing their talents and skills. Secondly, it shall provide opportunity for local audience to participate in cultural activities.
Another priority of NCCA is the promotion of excellent Filipino artists and works to the international community. Thus, this program aims to assist nationally and internationally recognized artists by providing support for their lecture, performance and exhibition tours to different countries and with international audience.
3.4 National Awards
The NCCA promotes artistic excellence by supporting the awards and recognition of the artists for their excellent works, serves as motivation for artists to sustain the creative activities and encourages them for new artistic creation. There are three NCCA supported / initiated awards, the National Artist Awards (NAAW), the Gawad Manlilikha Ng Bayan (GAMABA), and the Alab Ng Haraya Awards. The NCCA continues to search for other channels of recognizing excellence in the culture and the arts.
3.5 National Arts Month
Per Presidential Proclamation No. 683, the month of February of every year is declared National Arts Month (NAM). The NAM celebration consolidates the efforts of various agencies, sectors, and regions to highlight the culture and arts of the country, both traditional and contemporary. Thus, all educational institutions, groups and associations, and local government units (LGUs) are enjoined to participate in this annual festivity.
The broadcast, print and electronic media are potent tools in bringing culture and arts to the common man and in providing greater exposure to the results of artistic creation. Radio and television offer the possibility of large audiences for performances and cultural promotion. The electronic media, in particular, offers great possibilities in providing information on our culture and arts to students, the general public and the international community, including second generation overseas.
New research needs to be published. Material on culture and the arts are wanting in magazines and periodicals, particularly those intended for young readers. The public, particularly in the outlying areas, is hungry for traveling exhibits and other cultural events. Traditional culture and arts of our cultural communities can be better appreciated by all Filipinos with more opportunities for people to people contact, including festivals that not only help revive dying traditions, but also help promote understanding among cultural communities.
It traces the lives of average Filipinos against the backdrop of the major events of Philippine history and is intended both as education and entertainment. More activities could be mounted so as to make greater use of radio and television, the print media and the Internet in the promotion of Philippine culture and the arts.
Likewise, the program includes the promotion of Filipino Literary Works / Comprehensive Translation Program aim to make Filipino literary works and selected foreign classics accessible to Filipinos and international readers by encouraging translation of works written in other Philippine languages to Filipino and English and vice versa.
4.1 Publication / Documentation
The NCCA encourages the development of a self-sustaining range of publications and audio-visual materials on the Philippine culture and the arts and current forms of cultural and artistic expression for Filipino and international audiences alike. This program supports the production of print (e.g. magazines, journals, periodicals, books) and electronic materials (e.g. video and audiotapes, CDs, VCDs) on culture and arts as both educational and entertainment materials.
4.2 Media, Culture and Values Enhancement Projects
The NCCA supports the production Radio and TV Programs in varied formats (teleads, game shows, telenovela, talk shows, etc.) which are attractive to general audience and are intended to promote the Filipino history, values, achievements, arts, etc.
4.3 Culture and Arts Website
To service the culture and arts sector, the NCCA shall plan, conceptualize and maintain NCCA Web Pages to boost Filipino identity and broaden public awareness locally and internationally on Philippine culture and arts.
This shall include development and maintenance of local and wide area network among the cultural agencies and similar offices to improve access on sharing of Information Technology resources on arts and culture.
4.4 Culture and Arts Exhibits
The NCCA shall assist museums and galleries, libraries and archives, and other similar cultural institutions, government agencies, arts organizations, and schools in the design and mounting of exhibits that illuminate aspects of Philippine culture and the arts. This program category shall also support production exhibit materials in the different fields of arts considering as priority those from the countryside and which are on local history, on traditional culture and arts, and with touring component. This includes but not limited to photo, painting, diorama, suitcase exhibit, and film.
4.5 Cultural Festivals
In general, the NCCA shall give priority to the revitalization of traditional arts and culture, especially if an art or cultural practice has a significant meaning to a cultural group or community. The NCCA shall give assistance and support to festivals celebrated by indigenous cultural communities or indigenous peoples, and have originated or very much rooted from their traditions. As well as festivals that promote awareness, develop understanding and appreciation, and preserve the culture and arts of the nation.
The trend toward globalization and the very process of economic development make the preservation of cultural diversity more and more difficult. Both our tangible and intangible heritage is discarded for the new. The major landmarks of Filipino creativity, some of them inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list, have to be protected, conserved and appreciated by the Filipino people. The traditional arts need to be passed on to the younger generation. In some cases, the price of a cultural community in its heritage and culture need to be restored. Scholarly work needs to be done on many aspects of Philippine history and pre-history that is still unknown or little understood. Artifacts that illustrate our heritage need to be properly cared for in our museums, libraries, art galleries, and archives in order that they may help teach the young and the public on our cultural heritage.
The preservation of major monument of Philippine culture – the Ifugao Rice Terraces, Spanish colonial period churches, art deco buildings, ethnic architecture – is a major challenge and has been attended to in a limited way. There is great urgency in cultural heritage preservation, calling for the enactment of a National Heritage Law and systematic cultural heritage preservation work.
The NCCA encourages continued training and developing new experts in heritage conservation and management, thus, the program supports scholarships, fellowships, seminars, workshops, and other forms of training, both local and international, for heritage conservationists and managers and those who have potential for such kind of work
5.1 Research and Documentation Projects
This program is intended to support research and documentation of the historical and cultural sites and landmarks, events and personalities in the different regions of the country.
5.2 Preservation and Protection of Intangible Heritage
The intangible heritage is as important as the tangible, thus this program category intends to support projects for the retrieval of ethnic literature; documentation of traditional Filipino music, chants and dance; and promotion through publications and media broadcast of Philippine cultural traditions.
5.3 Conservation of Built Heritage and Archeological Sites
The NCCA shall support conservation of cultural properties, movable and immovable giving priority to those endangered by destruction, and especially those UNESCO declared World Heritage Sites. The program aims to protect the landmarks of the Filipino achievements and creativity, while at the same time promote cultural tourism. This shall include technical assistance for the restoration of built structures, conservation and restoration of paintings and other works of art, preservation of works on paper; actual restoration work; improvement of local museums; partial funding for the establishment of new museums; and the enhancement of cultural tourism. Technical assistance is also extended to the establishment of local museums and centers for culture, libraries and archives, including the development and upgrading of the skills of the staff.
5.4 Protection of Cultural Treasures of the Cultural Communities
The NCCA encourages young people to learn and appreciate the culture and the arts of their community. Thus, the NCCA supports the Schools of Living Traditions, which aims to support establishment of training activities in order to transfer knowledge and skills from the masters to the other members of the community, especially the youth, as a way of preserving traditions.
The program also support festivals (traditional arts and rituals) as way of reviving various community rituals and exhibition of the arts and crafts of the different cultural communities. These activities may also include fora and lectures about a particular cultural community.
The Philippine has cultural exchange agreements with various countries. These agreements can be more systematically implemented through expanded exchanges of performing groups, art works, exchange of scholars, and international lecture tours of authorities in culture and the arts. There are also international festivals and competitions that offer the opportunity for the best of our artists to test themselves with the best in the world and also allow foreign discriminating audiences to see first hand the talent and creativity of the Filipino people.
6.1 Cultural Exchange Agreements
In collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs, the NCCA will support projects and activities to implement the cultural component of a bilateral agreement between the Philippines and the other countries. This covers exchanges of performances, scholars, artists, exhibits in different fields, hosting visiting artists and diplomats, etc.
6.2 International Competitions / Festivals
This program category shall support the participation of the outstanding Filipino artists or groups to prestigious international competitions and festivals as indicated in the list of the NCCA Committee concerned.
6.3 Program for Overseas Filipinos
The NCCA recognizes the need to provide cultural awareness program not only to Filipinos within the country but more importantly to those overseas. This program supports touring lectures and performances to the different Filipino communities abroad in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs.
N.B. The descriptions of the different programs provided here are in aid of understanding the thrust and priorities of the NCCA. Specific guidelines on the evaluation of projects were also formulated to guide those in charge of the project approval.
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